The 1st International Conference of Applied Psychology on Humanity (ICAP-H)

Saturday, August 27, 2022 20:22 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Last Saturday (27/08/2022), the Psychology Faculty of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang held an international conference. This conference also presents speakers from overseas with different topics of discussion. The speakers who contributed to this event are:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Diah Karmiyati, M.Si. (topic: Wellbeing of Elderly)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurul Ain Hidayah bint Abas (topic: Work and Family)

Agnes del Rosario Crisostomo, Ph.D. (topic: The Millennials Generation and Their Family)

Assoc. Prof. Suen, Mein-Woi, Ph.D. (topic: The Important Social Factors on the Covid-19 among
the Cross Culture)

The event was firstly started with remarks from the dean of the psychology faculty, Muhammad Salis Yuniardi, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D. Mr. Salis expressed his gratitude to several parties who had participated. Moreover, the hope is to be able to contribute to humans better and better. As we
know, there have been a lot of conflicts in some countries lately. Also, it can be used as a recommendation for the next generation. It can also be a stepping stone to make steps for cooperation from all parties who have been present and involved. The event was then continued with remarks from the vice chancellor, Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Sc. He expressed great hope and gratitude for the implementation of this activity. It is hoped
that this activity can continue, becoming a routine activity that continues to be carried out every year. Speech from the vice-chancellor served as the opening of a series of International Conference of Applied Psychology on Humanity (ICAP-H) events with the symbol of beating the gong. After delivering the material from several speakers, it was continued with the distribution of as many as 10 breakout rooms. After the breakout room session was over, the participants and all the committees present were presented with an attractive appearance from the University of
Muhammadiyah Malang students, namely "Bel Ba-Ba". It was then continued with reading the nominations for Best Paper & Best Presenter. Finally, there was a closing remark from the Dean of the Psychology Faculty. He revealed that family is the most crucial key which can help reducing some of the problems that often occur in recent times, "Family is essential. The most important thing is how we achieve their potential. Therefore, I want to return home quickly so I can meet my Family at home. Without further words, we will close this event by reciting hamdalah. We return home, and meet our beloved Family. See you next year, Wassalamu'alaikum, Wr. Wb."
