Undergraduate Profile

BPP aims to produce graduates with excellent attitude, knowledge, and skills (general and specific skills) formulated as the Learning Outcomes (LOS). The LOS aligned with the Higher Education National Standard, the Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) or KKNI level 6 for undergraduate programmes, and the input from stakeholders through both annual surveys and meetings. These all have generated a mission to produce graduates who have an excellent competence in psychology and have concern in improvement of community welfare, which is in line with BPP's tagline: applying psychology, well-faring humanity. In general, the profiles of the alumni graduates are as follows: (1) human resources professionals, (2) consultants, (3) educators, (4) counselors, (5) training and community facilitators, (6) psychological test administrators, (7) entrepreneurs, (8) research assistants, and (9) psychologist assistants. The following are the LOS:

  1. Internalizing Islamic values, Muhammadiyah, Pancasila, and Citizenship in personal, work, and social aspects.
  2. Demonstrating responsibility, ethics, discipline, positive attitude, and leadership within the scope of the work profession.
  3. Mastering the concepts and theories of psychology to improve community's welfare, covering the scope of educational and developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology.