The seminar on Psychosocial Handling of Social Conflict was held at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Friday, February 03, 2023 03:33 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

The Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, held a seminar with the theme Psychosocial Handling of Social Conflict. As we know, many regions in Indonesia are disaster-prone areas. The existence of active volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods certainly has the potential to cause damage both individually and in the environment. This activity was held at GKB IV starting at 08.45 – 11.00 AM and was attended by Ibnu Mundzir, M.A. as a speaker, who was able to invite students to be active in discussing current social issues.

Starting from the opening of the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Mr. Salis Yuniardi, S.Psi., M.Psi., P.hD. Then, continued with Mrs. Alifah Nabilah Masturah, S.Psi., M.A. as the moderator who continued with the introduction of Ibnu Mundzir to continue the seminar. During the seminar, Ibnu Mundzir invited the participants to be active in discussing and exchanging ideas. Not only that, but Ibnu Mundzir also invited the participants to sing the song "Little Animals Climb the High Walls". This song teaches that a small animal that was climbing a high wall suddenly fell. However, he still tried to get back up. It is hoped that the individuals affected by the disaster will still have high spirits to bounce back in facing life and not be discouraged by the disaster.

The speaker did not only explain using Powerpoint media, but the speaker also invited participants to have active discussions so that participants became enthusiastic and actively involved in carrying out seminar activities. Not only that, but the speaker also explained the role of psychology in disaster management and explained the differences in activities facilitated by students from the Department of Psychology. the speaker also mentioned that this job is not a job that has the goal of getting rich. "Finding a job is like looking for a partner, getting the first one is hard to beg forgiveness for, but once you have one, there are always interesting new offers," said Ibnu Mundzir

