Crafting a Global Experience: International Psychology Program Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Participate 2024 Summer Program in Taiwan

Thursday, July 25, 2024 07:26 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Malang, July 25, 2024 – Eleven students from the international psychology program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) are currently participating in the 2024 Summer Program at Asia University, Taiwan. This two-week program provides students with the opportunity to expand their academic and cultural horizons in an international setting.

Throughout this program, UMM students not only gain in-depth knowledge of the psychology curriculum at Asia University, but also have valuable opportunities to meet and interact with peers from various countries. The experience of exchanging ideas and sharing stories with students from different cultural backgrounds has been a particularly memorable moment for the participants.

One of the students who took part in this program, Anisa Nur Akhidah (KI-2023), expressed her enthusiasm. "This is a very valuable experience. We get to learn about the educational curriculum here especially in special needs education, which is certainly different from Indonesia, and study their habits and culture. Interacting with friends from other countries also broadens my perspective of the world," she said

Not only enrich the students academic knowledge, but it also provides valuable experience in understanding the care of children with special needs in various countries. This summer program is designed to provide a deeper understanding for students to learn extensively, from theory to practice, including creating sensory games for children with special needs. They also visited Love Home Taichung and a playground that can be used by children with disabilities and special needs. All these activities provide firsthand experiences that enhance their understanding of how to support and educate children with special needs.

This program is an important step in supporting the vision of the Psychology department at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to produce graduates with a global perspective. Through this program, students can develop their ability to adapt to an international environment, improve their intercultural communication skills, and apply the knowledge they gain here in a broader context. The 2024 Summer Program: Children with Special Needs  at Asia University is expected to be an inspiring experience for UMM students, encouraging them to continuously develop themselves and contribute positively on the international stage.
