UMM Psychology Students Won 3 Champions at the PKM of Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah Universities Throughout Indonesia 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024 07:18 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Saturday (7/20) UMM Psychology Faculty students won 3 champions at once in the Student Creativity Week (PKM) of Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah Universities throughout Indonesia. This competition is of course a place for students to display their ideas and creative thinking. The championships won by students of the Faculty of Psychology UMM include, 1st place in the field of PKM Social Research and Humanities (PKM-RSH) Class RSH 4 which discusses the Effect of Guided Imagery on Reducing Anxiety in Parents of Children with Special Needs, 3rd place PKM Social Research and Humanities (PKM-RSH) Class RSH 4, and Hopeful Champion of Social Research and Humanities (PKM-RSH) which discusses Frugal Living as an Anti-Consumerism Movement in GenZ. 

“There are of course challenges in the process of implementing this PKM, namely taking time for team discussions because each group member has their own busy schedules, such as the interests of lecture organizations, implementing internships, and piling up lecture practicum assignments. Not only that, the internal challenge in implementing PKM is demotivation in the PKM process which is very long. However, this can be overcome by internal teamwork that is able to increase the motivation of other fellow members. There are also external challenges in the process of implementing this PKM, namely the coordination process with several special schools (SLB) in Malang as facilitators who are able to assist in persuading parents of children with special needs who are willing to become participants in the research activity process.” The response of M. Indra Astrawan as the first winner of PKM-RSH.

The achievements made by these Psychology Students are of course a brilliant achievement for the Faculty of Psychology and the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Keep striving, trying, and being useful for others. Remember that every positive step we take today will be an investment in our own future. Believe in yourself because all the struggles we have done will bear fruit. Let's keep growing! If not us, who else?

Our highest appreciation goes to:

1st place PKM-RSH:

1. Rifan Alamsyah - Psychology Student 2021

2. M. Indra Astrawan - Psychology Student 2021

3. Sheva Pradana - Psychology Student 2021

4. Yoka Abe Agege - Psychology Student 2021

5. Muhammad Elang Rizky Ramadhan - Psychology Student 2021


3rd place PKM-RSH:

1. Syarifah Putri Auliah S. - Psychology Student 2022


PKM-RSH Hopeful Champion:

1. Alyaa Nuur'Izzati Zahra - Psychology Student 2021

2. Nasywa Salsabilah - Psychology Student 2021
