Guest Lecture; Development and Adaptation of Measurement Tools

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 15:07 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

The Faculty of Psychology UMM held another Guest Lecture on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. With the theme of 'preparation and adaptation of measuring instruments', this event was held offline which was attended by the class of 2022 and online through the virtual zoom meeting media which was attended by the class of 2021.Opened by the dean of the faculty of Psychology, this event was attended by a line of deans of the Faculty of Psychology UMM and lecturers of Psychology measuring instrument courses. 

This guest lecture was delivered by R. Urip Purwono M.Sc., Ph.D. Psychologist as a Psychology lecturer at 3 universities, namely the University of Indonesia, Padjajaran University, and Airlangga University. He is also an expert in the field of Psychometrics and design theories, he has also taught at UnHan and the Army,. 

Mr. Urip explained that to calculate something we must first define it, he also explained in detail about the stages of test adaptation. Due to the high enthusiasm of the participants for this course, the participants consisting of the class of 2022 were also active in the question and answer session. 

Today's lecture session was closed with Mr. Urip's message to the participants "Keep up the spirit, because there are many other things that we will face in the future".
