Guest Lecture; Faculty of Psychology UMM Prepares Competent Psychologist Candidates

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 12:47 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 the Faculty of Psychology held a guest lecture with the theme 'Ready for a career as a professional psychologist'. This activity was carried out blanded, namely online and offline, followed by students of class 2023 who carried out offline and followed by classes 2021 and 2022 who carried out through the zoom application.

The resource person presented was Dr. Ayu Dwi Nindyati, M.Si as a psychologist in the field of PIO and also the best graduate of the Faculty of Psychology UMM in 1996, the resource person is also a lecturer from Pancasila University of Jakarta.

In the presentation of the material, the speaker conveyed the importance of making decisions in a career "We can have a career anywhere, not only in the office at home. Because nowadays there are many jobs that can be done by WFH (work from home)" she said.

This guest lecture was closed with a question and answer session and an explanation of the procedure for taking the profession of psychologist to specialist
