Faculty of Psychology UMM Becomes Reference for International Accreditation: Strategic Visit of UIN Walisongo Semarang to Study FIBAA

Friday, June 14, 2024 10:55 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Malang, 14 June 2024 – The Faculty of Psychology at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has once again demonstrated its excellence in higher education by becoming a reference center for other universities regarding international accreditation. Today, the Faculty of Psychology at UMM received a special visit from the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo Semarang, aiming to learn and share experiences about the accreditation process from the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA).

The delegation from the Faculty of Psychology at UIN Walisongo Semarang, led by Dean Prof. Dr. Baidi Bukhori, M.Sc., was warmly welcomed by the Dean of the UMM Faculty of Psychology, Dr. Rr. Siti Suminarti Fasikhah, M.Si., along with the UMM psychology faculty academic team. This visit marks a strategic step for UIN Walisongo to improve education quality standards and achieve internationally recognized accreditation.

“We are very proud and honored to be a reference for UIN Walisongo Semarang. The FIBAA accreditation process not only meets international standards but also improves the quality of education and academic services that we provide to students,” said Dr. Rr. Siti Suminarti Fasikhah, M.Si., in her speech.

The visit agenda included a detailed presentation regarding the stages and strategies implemented by the UMM Faculty of Psychology in achieving FIBAA accreditation. The UMM team explained document preparation, international standard curriculum development, and efforts to improve the quality of research and community service. The discussion and Q&A sessions were interactive, providing the opportunity for UIN Walisongo delegates to explore various technical and strategic aspects.

This visit is clear evidence of the dedication of the Faculty of Psychology at UMM in advancing higher education in Indonesia and strengthening its position on the global stage. By becoming a reference for other universities, the UMM Faculty of Psychology continues to be committed to creating a superior and internationally competitive academic environment.
