Bachelor Thesis

The bachelor thesis preparation is a compulsory course that must be taken by students of the Faculty of Psychology of UMM who have met the requirements, which has taken a minimum of 128 credits. In connection with the implementation of applied research in writing thesis, the Faculty of Psychology UMM encourages students who program the thesis to integrate thesis writing with an internship course that has been taken or is being taken by the student.

This is based on the thought that students can identify many practical problems that can be further investigated while internship. There are two stages of the exam that must be passed by students when taking the thesis, namely the thesis proposal seminar and thesis examination. The thesis proposal seminar is conducted to find out the extent of the research design conducted by students can be done. If it has passed the thesis proposal seminar, new students are allowed to retrieve data and continue research. Thesis examination is a process of presenting the results of research and student accountability for the research that has been done. The thesis exam schedule is conducted in four periods for one year, namely in February, May, August and November.


The procedur of thesis registration, please click this l...Thesis Registration Procedure    
1. Thesis Registration  (New) please click this link.... new thesis    
2. Thesis Registration (Extention) please click this link....thesis extention    
3. Thesis Examination Registration, please click this link...thesis examination    