Limitations Are Not Reasons for Reluctance for Achievement

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 02:35 WIB   Fakultas Psikologi

Univeristy is a place to forge higher education after secondary education (SMA/SMU equivalent). In this place, there are many things that can be learned. The opportunity to study can be felt by anyone and anywhere. No exception for those with limitations who fall into the special needs category.

Akhmad Ali Akbar, a student from Pasuruan, broke the myth that people with special needs cannot get the same learning opportunities as children in general and proved that anything could be done if there was a will. Akbar explains the reason why he chose Psychology as the place where he studied. According to him, it is important for us humans to be able to understand other human characteristics and try to understand them. But, unfortunately, that is a tricky thing. Not only interest, according to him, but there was also a lot of input from people around him regarding Akbar's positive response when responding to a story from his friends.

We often hear about the sense of discrimination from ordinary people regarding the existence of people with special needs, especially regarding friendship. It's different this time; for Akbar, the friendship he makes is not as difficult as we imagine. Responses and responses from friends around him were very positive. Assume that all are the same person. No different. There is no gap, just a normal discussion in friendship. There is no trivial assumption because they are all the same. Akbar is grateful that his friends can accept him well, without special treatment or insults.

For this young man who has a hobby in the music field, being able to continue his education to the college level is one way for him to reach his goal of becoming a psychologist and opening a practice clinic at home. He has a dream to help those around him become human being who has emotional stability. He did not forget that he was also grateful to have officially become part of the Family of the Faculty of Psychology UMM because for him, here he could proceed as he wished. He also hopes that he can become a brilliant person, study as well as possible by being the best, to be able to graduate on time, even with the best grades.

